9 research outputs found

    Towards a multi-agent based modeling approach for air pollutants in urban regions

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    Urban environments are often associated with high traffic density. Especially road traffic is a major source for air pollution in cities. The cause-and-effect chain from the traffic activity towards the concentration of air pollutants is complex. Modeling the outcome needs a lot of inputs in terms of methodology and data. Against this background, an approach is developed that links the agent-based transport model MATSim with the emission factors and traffic situations of HBEFA. The goal is to approximate link travel times as well as the resulting emissions of air pollutants while still being applicable to large-scale scenarios. This paper aims at laying down the foundations for this innovative approach. A test case is developed where link travel times are simulated and the resulting emissions are calculated for MATSim test vehicles. The results are then compared to real-world data. Further, it is discussed how to extend this approach to a large-scale scenario and what prerequisites are needed. Finally, it is analyzed what additional information the model provides in order to achieve a more sustainable transport and urban planning.Urbane Regionen weisen zumeist eine hohe Verkehrsdichte auf. Die durch den Straßenverkehr hervorgerufenen Luftschadstoffemissionen tragen in einem großen Maße zur Luftverschmutzung bei. Der Ursache–Wirkungspfad von der Verkehrsaktivität bis hin zu den Auswirkungen auf die Luftschadstoffkonzentration ist komplex. Seine Abbildung ist methodisch aufwendig und geht mit einem erheblichen Datenaufwand einher. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, der das agentenbasierte Verkehrsmodell MATSim mit HBEFA Emissionsfaktoren und Verkehrssituationen koppelt. Ziel ist es straßenfeine Reisezeiten und die resultierenden Luftschadstoffemissionen zu approximieren ohne die Anwendbarkeit auf großräumige Szenarien zu verlieren. Diese Studie legt die Grundlagen für diesen innovativen Ansatz. Es wird eine Teststrecke simuliert, für die Reisezeiten und die resultierenden Emissionen eines Testfahrzeugs berechnet werden. Die Ergebnisse werden mit realen Daten verglichen. Des Weiteren wird diskutiert, wie dieser Ansatz auf großräumige Szenarien angewendet werden kann und welche Voraussetzungen dafür nötig sind. Abschließend wird analysiert, welchen Beitrag das Modell für eine nachhaltigere Transport- und Stadtplanung leisten kann

    Rising car user costs: comparing aggregated and geo-spatial impacts on travel demand and air pollutant emissions

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    Our chapter starts from the assumption that car user costs are about to increase in the forthcoming decades. This is likely to have impacts on aggregated air pollutant emissions and on the spatial distribution of emissions. The concentration of some air pollutants still exceeds the limiting values prescribed by the European Union, especially in urban areas. Thus, the main focus of this chapter is the question whether a decrease in car travel demand due to higher user costs would result in an overproportional reduction of air pollutant emissions. When it comes to the discussion of cost-related transport policies, large-scale transport models are needed. However, for the analysis of air pollutant emissions, a detailed investigation of the micro level is also necessary. In order to combine both objectives, we use a multi-agent transport model for our simulations. The multi-agent transport simulation MATSim1 is able to simulate large-scale scenarios. It is also particularly suitable for calculating air pollutant emissions on a detailed level as complete daily plans are modeled and the traveler’s identity is kept throughout the simulation process. For illustration purposes of the impacts on air pollutant emissions, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is chosen. Furthermore, the transport sector is the main source of NO2 emissions and NO2 concentration limits are still often exceeded

    Erodierende Wirkung endodontischer Desinfektionslösungen auf das Dentin

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    Die chemomechanische Wurzelkanalpräparation und -desinfektion sind die wesentlichen Bestandteile der Wurzelkanalbehandlung. Sie haben die Auflösung und Entfernung organischen und anorganischen Materials zum Ziel. Die hierbei auf das Wurzeldentin wirkenden physikalischen Kräfte und chemischen Agenzien führen zu messbaren Veränderungen im und am Dentin. Sie verändern die Struktur und damit möglicherweise Dentineigenschaften wie Mikrohärte, Elastizitätsmodul und Frakturresistenz. Der Fokus dieses Beitrags liegt auf dem Thema der desinfektionsbedingten Erosion des Wurzeldentins. Chemomechanical preparation and disinfection are the main steps during root canal treatment. they aim at dissolution and removal of organic and inorganic debris. Physical stress and chemical agents result in measurable alterations of dentin and alter the structure and properties of dentin, such as elastic modulus and resistance to fracture. this article has its focus on the impact of root canal disinfectants on the erosion of root dentin

    Vermitteln – Verbinden – Verstehen

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    In recent years, the areas of German as a Foreign Language (GFL) and German as a Second Language (GSL) have taken quite different developmental paths. To unify these contrasts was the purpose of the 46th Annual Convention of the Association for German as a Foreign and a Second Language (FaDaF e.V.) in Chemnitz from 28 to 30 March 2019. The proceedings of this conference comprise contributions from both academic research and practice in the area of teaching German as a Foreign or Second Language as well as the Associations’ resolution concerning the recent German Immigration Act for Skilled Workers. Thematically, the contributions focus on didactics and methodology of German language teaching, transnational networking and the many facets of understanding – from language comprehension to (intercultural) hermeneutics. Opening with contributions from the young academics’ conference held prior to the annual convention, the volume Teaching – Networking – Understanding attempts to unify the many interfaces of research and practice

    Vermitteln – Verbinden – Verstehen

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    In recent years, the areas of German as a Foreign Language (GFL) and German as a Second Language (GSL) have taken quite different developmental paths. To unify these contrasts was the purpose of the 46th Annual Convention of the Association for German as a Foreign and a Second Language (FaDaF e.V.) in Chemnitz from 28 to 30 March 2019. The proceedings of this conference comprise contributions from both academic research and practice in the area of teaching German as a Foreign or Second Language as well as the Associations’ resolution concerning the recent German Immigration Act for Skilled Workers. Thematically, the contributions focus on didactics and methodology of German language teaching, transnational networking and the many facets of understanding – from language comprehension to (intercultural) hermeneutics. Opening with contributions from the young academics’ conference held prior to the annual convention, the volume Teaching – Networking – Understanding attempts to unify the many interfaces of research and practice

    Relevanz authentischer Arzt-Patienten-Interaktionen für Mediziner-Deutschkurse : Am Beispiel von dokumentierten Aufklärungsgesprächen mit L2-Anästhesist*innen

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    Borowski D. Relevanz authentischer Arzt-Patienten-Interaktionen für Mediziner-Deutschkurse : Am Beispiel von dokumentierten Aufklärungsgesprächen mit L2-Anästhesist*innen. In: Hinzmann F, Storz C, Hülsmann A, Rosner U, Dupke B, eds. Vermitteln – Verbinden – Verstehen. 46. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz 2019. Materialien Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. Vol 107. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press; 2021: 131-150

    Collaborative Economy: Neue Geschäftsmodelle bedingungslos vorteilhaft?

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    The present article evaluates the ecological and economic impacts in the context of the collaborative economy. Detailed scenarios of free-floating carsharing yield data which enable the quantification of economic and environmental impacts. Economic modeling shows the value added effects and the employment effects of the scenarios while ecological modeling shows the environmental impacts. Shared usage may lead to additional available income and is thus remodelled as further environmental impacts of the income rebound effect. Finally, the environmental impacts are monetized in order to analyze the gross added value in the case of a full internalization of the environmental impacts. Last but not least the insights of the analysis will be discussed in the context of political measures and supporting instruments for an integrated system of free-floating carsharing